About the Journal

Aim and scope

Strani jezici is a peer-reviewed journal of foreign/second/additional language acquisition and use as well as language teaching. The journal welcomes high-quality research and professional papers that deal with various aspects of second language acquisition and use in formal and informal contexts, as well as multiple language acquisition and use (bilingual/multilingual phenomena), and various aspects of second language teaching.

The journal is dedicated to the advancement and exchange of scientific and professional knowledge between scholars and professionals in Croatia and abroad, and the promotion of interdisciplinary second language related topics. Hence, all submissions must provide clear implications for teaching, learning and language use, and/or further research in the field. The journal also publishes book reviews and conference reports.

The journal is intended for scholars, students, teachers, instructors and translators, as well as wider community interested in the second language related topics.
The journal accepts submissions in Croatian, English, German, French, and Italian that have not been published previously or that are not under consideration elsewhere.
All manuscripts submitted for publication undergo a double-blind peer review.


Publishing Schedule

Since  2020 Strani jezici has been published semi-annually.

Open Access Statement, Licencing and Archiving

Strani jezici is an open access (OA) journal which means that electronic versions of articles are accessible to readers, without any fees or registration, i.e. the Diamond Open Access Model.  Everyone is allowed to freely create derivative works, download, copy and distribute the articles published in Strani jezici through any medium and for any purpose on condition that the original author(s) and source (journal title, volume and issue numbers, year of publication, hyperlink to the original article and doi) are properly credited and information about the Attribution 4.0 International ( CC BY 4.0) CC license is given

Creative Commons License

Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. Authors may archive post-review and/or final publisher’s versions (immediately after publication) of their papers on their personal websites and/or in institutional repositories on condition that the original author(s) and source (journal title, volume and issue numbers, year of publication, hyperlink to the original article and doi) are properly credited and information about the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CC license is given.

For articles published in Strani jezici there are no Article Submission Charges nor Article Processing Charges, i.e. accepted papers are published free of charge.

Journal’s archive is available at Strani jezici website, the central portal of Croatian scientific journals (Hrčak), and Croatian Web Archive .

Strani jezici is indexed in: ERIH PLUS, Hrčak, Proquest Social Science Permium Collection, Proquest Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) Proquest Linguistics Collection, Modern Language Association Database (MLA), Brill Linguistic Bibliography (BL Bibliographie Linguistique), Sherpa/Romeo, DOAJ.



The Directory of Open
Access Journals


Strani jezici is a non-profit journal, the publication of which is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. The journal does not accept advertising and does not support any forms of direct marketing. The journal does not publish the invited articles, that is, all articles published in the journal are subject to regular review.

Strani jezici
ISSN: 0351-0840 (Print)
ISSN: 2459-671X (Online)
UDK: 811:37
Lidija Cvikić, editor in chief
e-mail: strjez@m.ffzg.hr
Publisher: Croatian Philological Association
Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
web page: https://stranijezici.ffzg.unizg.hr/index.php/en/homepage/